Saturday, May 14, 2011

Kids say the darnedest things!

Cora: I am your baby, Ian is your baby, Bree is your baby, and Papa is your baby!
Me: Papa is not my baby. He is my husband. Papa is MEMAW's baby. What babies grew in my tummy?
Cora: Me, Bree, and Ian.
Bree: But you want another baby to grow in your belly. That would be four babies. That's a lot. You'd need to give one away.

Cory: Hello Bree, are you a fairy princess?
Bree: No! These are peacock feathers! I am an ISLAND princess!

Bree (in a bad mood): I want everyone in our country to leave me alone!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


I think my girls have seen Disney's Cinderella one too many times. Cora just had a potty miss so (after cleaning her up) I handed her the rag to clean up the floor. She plopped down to her hands and knees and began to sing while mopping up the floor. "Sing sweet nightingale, sing sweet nightingale."

Counting my Blessings

1) My God is big, real, consistent, reliable, and merciful

  • When God made the world he put his fingerprints ALL over it so He'd be hard to miss.

  • Even though God is the one who wrote the rules of morality, He abides by the rules He wrote. (aka, since God said lying is a bad idea, we don't have to worry about God lying to us.)

  • God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow so we don't have to constantly try to figure out what His mood is today.

  • God may have made the entire universe (and therefore be able to make another one, no prob) but He loves his creation (namely us) to the point where he's willing to do anything to keep us safe (except break the rules of morality).

  • God gave us the Bible as a cheat sheet for life.

  • God wasn't just pulling the "dos" and "don’ts" in the Bible out of His nose, everything in there can also be proven by taking a look at history, medicine, and science.

2) Nathan is a good husband, father, and man

  • Nathan works hard to keep up his relationship with his creator. Nathan doesn't only attend church but attends the "extra-curricular" activities.

  • Nathan reads his Bible, other books related to the church and christian life, and listens to sermons/teachings.

  • Nathan puts a lot of effort into taking care of his family. (He makes personal sacrifices to make sure our needs are met.)

  • He not only changes poopy diapers, he washes them out too. =D

  • Nathan is very supportive of our chosen lifestyle even though it is not what he grew up with. He researched it and supports it for his own reasons.

  • After a full day of work, Nathan will still help out with cleaning, laundry, dishes, or even dinner making if I’ve had a full day and haven't been able to get it all done.

3) My children

  • They say please and thank you, unsolicited!

  • They clean up their messes when asked, and sometimes w/o being asked!

  • They let me sleep through the night, 8 hours a night average!

  • They give me hugs and kisses. =)

  • They do get my goat from time to time and they bounce back when I overreact.

  • They aren’t (Bree at least isn’t) afraid to call me out when I am over reacting or disciplining inappropriately.

4-??) Other stuff I am spoiled with:

  • Our house has almost everything I’ve ever wanted in a home.

  • We are able to afford this wonderful house on one income.

  • We are able to afford a second car on one income.

  • Our second car is SO much fancier than anything I’ve ever driven before!

  • We have very nice toys, both for the kids and for us grown-ups.

  • My family is healthy and happy.

  • My extended family is an active, fun part of my life.

  • I love sewing and I have 2 wonderful sewing machines that allow me to make just about anything I could ever imagine.

  • Nathan and I have nice cell phones and get a discount on our phone plan.

  • I have the knowledge, skill, ability, and tools to work on our house. (I love working on our house!)

  • I live in a state that has an amazing midwife despite unreasonable laws.

  • I have amazing friends! I don’t think I realized how many people love me till we were going to move to AZ and then so many people said they would miss me! =D

There really is SO much more than this. In fact, I think I should list my friends and say how each has been a blessing to me and list the qualities I admire in them. But that shall have to wait till I again have time to sit and compose my thoughts. =)